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Detox & Cleanses....Are they worth it?!

To me, detox and cleanses used to make my ears prick, as I thought what a great way to clear my body. However, how wrong was I?

The Oxford dictionary defines a detox as a process or period at which we abstain from something or rid the body of unhealthy substances, the definition of a cleanse is also similar.

We have all seen the many magic tablets or liquids that promise to cleanse the body and help with weight loss.....Really?! Having a tablet or shot isn't going to rid your body of harmful or toxic substances! My your money, because guess what? I have a great way to detox your body and it's free!

Lets explore detox diets a little more...there is little evidence that supports the notion that detox diets work for their intended purpose, to remove toxins from the body. Our own body, including our kidneys and liver are very good at doing that for us, free of charge!

Detox and cleanses are very popular and catchy buzz words make it easy to be seduced into buying products that will provide magical weight loss, promote better skin and provide super fast metabolisms, this concept simply isn't true and is unscientific.

Most detox and cleanses being promoted are based on very restrictive calorie intakes, therefore this is what results in rapid weight loss. However, the weight you will lose will be water, carb stores and muscle mass, NOT FAT!

When you finish one of these programmes and revert back to you regular eating habits, it's often likely that you'll only put that weight back on.

I suggest you help your body by drinking plenty of water and by eating a healthy, well balanced diet and remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is!


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