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HITT, Is it an effective way to train?

Most of us have likely heard the word HITT in one form or another on the topic of fitness but what is it? And should we be training this way?

HITT or High Intensity interval training is exactly what it says on the tin, performing exercises at a high intensity (or really hard) for a short sec of timed intervals. Put even simply doing jumping jacks for 30 seconds followed by a 15 second rest, repeated 10 times would be a HITT exercise.

Do I train like it? Yes on some occasions I will train myself and my clients using HITT as it is quick and effective for both weight loss and lean muscle building. As a coach it is easy from a programming perspective and can be easy to roll out to the masses.

The beauty is it can be done with or without equipment and either in a gym setting or at home so its very flexible, but…………..come on nothing is perfect right?

No HITT isn’t perfect and comes with its negatives including: increased injury risk if overused, impact on metabolism and blood sugars, can cause dizziness and can lead to muscle soreness.

So is it an effective way to train? Yes in my opinion however only when programmed correctly. It will not be suitable for everyone especially if you suffer with joint problems due to the demand it can place on your body. However as a trainer I would use it as it is time efficient and it burns more fat so is a great tool for some of my weight loss clients and those with a business schedule.

Heres a few do’s and donts when it comes to HITT training that I recommend:


· Embark on shorter workout sessions 30-40mins max

· Concentrate on your form especially if using weights

· Monitor your heart rate (HR). 85-90% of your max HR during the high intensity and 65-85% of your max HR during recovery. (basic max HR calculation, 220 – Age)

· Know when to stop


· Perform HITT if you’re a beginner new to exercise entirely

· Skip the warm up and cool down elements

· Perfom everyday, 1-3 times a week is adequate. Alternate with other methods of training such as yoga, pilates, hiking or swimming

Remember though seek professional advice before starting and new form of exercise and especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

Go smash you HITT session : )


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