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Menopause, it's a girl thing!

The dreaded menopause I hear you say?

Hot flushes, mood swings, weight gain and loss of muscle are just some of the symptoms woman can suffer pre and post menopause.

This is something I haven't had to tackle yet, but it will no doubt be a mountain to climb.

So how can you help yourself make your journey through this life stage a little more manageable? From a health and fitness perspective, I want to offer my advice.

Weight Gain - Hormonal changes might make you more likely to gain extra weight, along with a reduction in calorie needs, due to a loss in muscle mass.

My Tips

  • Move more

  • Eat less

  • Limit alcohol

  • Remove refined sugars

  • Seek support

Loss in Bone Density - this can lead to increasing your risk of osteoporosis.

My Tips

  • Increase calcium intake

  • Increase vitamin D intake

  • Patriciate in weight bearing exercises

  • Improve stability and balance to prevent falls

  • Try out Tai Chi

Hot Flushes - That sudden feeling of warmth in the upper body, skin going red and sweating. Another joy of menopause.

My Tips

  • Reduce caffeine intake

  • Reduce alcohol intake

  • Seek support from your GP

Nutrition - Eating a healthy balanced diet can help to improve some menopausal symptoms.

My Tips

  • Increase whole food consumption

  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

  • Eat high quality diary and protein produce

  • East fish to increase healthy fats

Exercise - Finally exercise will not only help with weight gain and muscle loss, but it is also fantastic for boosting mood and mental health, so stay fit and active.

My Tips

  • Try brisk walking

  • Go for a jog

  • Try cycling

  • Swim or join water aerobics classes

  • try strength training

Don't fear changes, embrace it!


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