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Outdoor Exercise - Yay or Nay?

As we all know, COVID 19 has changed so many things over the past two years, including how and where we exercise. We have seen big increases in people exercising outdoors due to restrictions, so, is training outdoor actually better than training indoors?

Firstly and personally, I would answer yes to that question and that has nothing to do with COVID 19. I've been running outdoor bootcamp for well over 10 years in all sorts of outdoor spaces, in all types of weather, and every time I ask members if they would prefer indoor or outdoor sessions, the answer is always outdoor. BUT WHY?!

Well here are a few of the benefits that can be seen through exercising outdoors.

  1. A boost in mental health

  2. Challenges to the body

  3. Stress relief

  4. Access to cleaner air

  5. Increased calories

  6. Enhances self esteem

  7. Helps with insomnia

  8. Better exercise variation

  9. increased levels of vitamin D

Studies have also found that outdoor exercise can lead to a lowering of blood pressure and heart rate and therefore can feel less strenuous. It can be as simple as going out and walking more, going for a run, using an outdoor gym or doing a structured outdoor class. Either way, there are options for everyone to get outside and enjoy the positive benefits.

I run outdoor bootcamp class three times a week in Uttoxeter that are suitable for all abilities, so why not join us and give outdoors a go? Outdoor exercise, it's a yay from me!.


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